Adrienne has worked on numerous audience engagement and social media teams, including at The Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, the Washington Post and CNN. A sample of her work is below:

Los Angeles Times


Foreign Policy


The Washington Post




  • Create daily bespoke content for Foreign Policy’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts

  • Produce several weekly stories for Foreign Policy’s Instagram—ranging from Xi Jinping’s reach in remote China to the colonial-era languages still spoken in South Sudan. My personal favorite Instagram story is one I produced around a story on heroin’s deadly route through a hilly state in northeastern India.

  • Worked on digital rollout and promotional plans for Foreign Policy’s podcasts, including “First Person

    • Podcast social media rollout: Audiograms (here, here), Instagram posts (here, here), website write-ups (here)

  • Write a weekly column highlighting Foreign Policy’s best reads of the week that encapsulated world headlines

  • Assist in running Foreign Policy’s internship program, overseeing one social media and two editorial interns each semester

  • Worked with the Post's core social team to publish, promote and engage with readers on a variety of social platforms—Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

  • Moderated, featured and engaged with readers in article comment sections. Helped curate the weekly "Read These Comments" newsletter

  • Produced and helped coordinate live chats on our main website to promote engagement between columnists and readers

  • Worked with the digital operations team to produce and analyze digital audits for specific Post reporters. Gave guidance in terms of social and digital strategy, as well as guidelines for better web optimization of articles on site.

    • Sample digital audit (here)

  • Conducted a two-month Twitter competitive analysis for New Day, which was pitched and presented to CNN's executive producer for social and emerging media

  • Spearheaded production for CNN's sole original online segment, The Daily Hit. An example here with accompanying social outreach

  • Wrote and managed content—including writing copy and cutting/identifying poignant clips from air—for CNN social media accounts, including its flagship Twitter and New Day accounts

  • Conducted research and wrote scripts to produce Facebook Lives, including this one with Jake Tapper prior to a CNN town hall with Paul Ryan

  • Worked with CNN's social discovery team to source user-generated content on social media during breaking news, such as the Nice and Dhaka terrorist attacks

The Daily Californian

  • Initiated weekly digital reports with post-mortem analysis of under and high-performing website content, sent out to entire staff

  • Managed social media accounts and oversaw a team of web designers and social media producers

  • Revamped existing digital and social strategy, including reactivating the Daily Cal's data projects team, Overflow

Coffee Meets Bagel

  • Conducted a month-long dating and relationship survey of 7,500+ international users and created this infographic with compiled data

    • Full survey + infographic here

    • Coverage for article (via Bustle) here

  • Spearheaded engagement projects for CMB's Pride Month Celebration

    • Email newsletter content sample

    • Member event newsletter sample

Mayor’s Office of San Francisco

  • Managed Mayor Ed Lee's key social media accounts — namely Twitter and Facebook— as an intern in the Mayor's Office of Communications